(UAFC) Physical Address: 313 Frederick Street, Pretoria West, Pretoria Tel: +27 12 3275979.Fax: 0865291831. Mobile: +27 72 192 5954. Main website: www.uafctshwane.org.za
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
The Westside Christian Fellowship Assembly is getting ready for the launch of the “KFC Bible Club.”
The “KFC” is an abbreviation for KIDS FOR CHRIST. The launch is on the 23 May 2009 at our church at 313 Frederick Street, Pretoria West, Pretoria. The function will start at 09h00. All parents are invited to attend the function together with their children. It doesn’t matter where they fellowship. This KFC Club is meant for each and every child who is willing to be part of it.
The aim of this KFC Saturday Club is to fulfill the scripture in Proverbs 22: 6 that says; “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”
The children will be taught the scripture, be involved in music, dance in accordance with the word of God. They will act the stories in the bible, taught to serve all will be done in accordance with the word of God. The children’s talents will be unleashed and they will be given a room to lead.
The Sunday School kids are now practicing and rehearsing for the big day; their day. This is the rough sketch of the programme for the 23 May 2009:
23 May 2009
Programme Director :
09h00 : Prayer (Sunday School teacher)
09h15 : Welcoming guests (Mama Pastor)
09h20 : Message from the Pastor about a child
09h40 : Junior Kids with 2 songs
: Senior Kids with 2 songs
10h30 : Saying verses by the 2 groups
11h00 : Acting (Senior kids)
11h30 : Sing praises to Jesus by Senior kids
11h45 : Work presentations by junior kids
12h00 : Modelling
12h30 : Vote of thanks (Sunday school teacher)
12h30 : Closing in prayer
Selling food and soft drinks to parents; dishing out snacks and soft drinks for free to kids.
The “KFC” is an abbreviation for KIDS FOR CHRIST. The launch is on the 23 May 2009 at our church at 313 Frederick Street, Pretoria West, Pretoria. The function will start at 09h00. All parents are invited to attend the function together with their children. It doesn’t matter where they fellowship. This KFC Club is meant for each and every child who is willing to be part of it.
The aim of this KFC Saturday Club is to fulfill the scripture in Proverbs 22: 6 that says; “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”
The children will be taught the scripture, be involved in music, dance in accordance with the word of God. They will act the stories in the bible, taught to serve all will be done in accordance with the word of God. The children’s talents will be unleashed and they will be given a room to lead.
The Sunday School kids are now practicing and rehearsing for the big day; their day. This is the rough sketch of the programme for the 23 May 2009:
23 May 2009
Programme Director :
09h00 : Prayer (Sunday School teacher)
09h15 : Welcoming guests (Mama Pastor)
09h20 : Message from the Pastor about a child
09h40 : Junior Kids with 2 songs
: Senior Kids with 2 songs
10h30 : Saying verses by the 2 groups
11h00 : Acting (Senior kids)
11h30 : Sing praises to Jesus by Senior kids
11h45 : Work presentations by junior kids
12h00 : Modelling
12h30 : Vote of thanks (Sunday school teacher)
12h30 : Closing in prayer
Selling food and soft drinks to parents; dishing out snacks and soft drinks for free to kids.
Mark 16: 19
(Holy Bible – New International Version)
19 After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God.
Mark 3: 23-27
(Holy Bible – New International Version)
23 So Jesus called them and spoke to them in parables: “How can satan drive satan out?
24 If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.
25 If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
26 And if satan opposes himself and is divided, he cannot stand; his end has come.
27 In fact, no one can enter a strong man’s house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man. Then he can rob his house.
Matthew 12: 22-30
(Holy Bible – New International Version)
22 Then they brought him a demon possessed man who was blind and mute, and Jesus healed him, so that he could both talk and see.
23 All the people were astonished and said, “Could this be the Son of David?”
24 But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, “It is only by Beelzebub, the prince of demons, that this fellow drives out demons.”
25 Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.
26 If satan drives out satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand?
27 And if I drive out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your people drive them out? So then, they will be your judges.
28 But if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
29 “Or again, how can anyone enter a strong man’s house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man? Then he can rob his house.
30 “He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters.
An Hour of Prayer
22 April 2009
Prayer Requests
Praying for the coming Sunday Service
Praying for the launch of the Kids For Christ (KFC) Programme
Praying for the youth
Thought of Prayer
Acts 3: 1-10 (Holy Bible – New International Version)
1 One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer-at three in the afternoon.
2 Now a man crippled from birth was carried to the temple gate called Beautiful, where he was put everyday to beg from those going into the temple courts.
3 When he saw Peter and John about to enter , he asked them for money.
4 Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter said, “Look at us!”
5 So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them.
6 Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”
7 Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong.
8 He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping and praising God.
9 When all the people saw him walking and praising God, they recognized him as the same man who use to sit begging at the temple gate called Beautiful, and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.
The Power of God
There are people (sometimes) who really need nothing else but to experience the power of God.
They need no gifts, but more than that.
In this case, this crippled man needed Jesus. He needed to experience Jesus presence, and that what Peter gave him.
That was the greatest gift he lacked in his whole life.
This can also apply to the church of today. There are many Christians who are crippled spiritually and physically.
They only need someone to strengthen them. They need someone to remind them about Jesus in their Christian lives. The inner man need to be strengthen.
It is important to see wonders and miracles in the house of God as His children. What happened to the crippled man must happen to the church in our generation.
We as Christians, we need to give the valuable gift to the spiritually and physically crippled people.
Note this: The crippled man INSTANTLY experienced the power of God. He INSTANTLY experienced the love of Jesus. He INSTANTLY became a witness to Jesus’ love. He became a testimony to the whole world that, Jesus is alive. INSTANTLY.
Prayer Requests
Praying for the coming Sunday Service
Praying for the launch of the Kids For Christ (KFC) Programme
Praying for the youth
Thought of Prayer
Acts 3: 1-10 (Holy Bible – New International Version)
1 One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer-at three in the afternoon.
2 Now a man crippled from birth was carried to the temple gate called Beautiful, where he was put everyday to beg from those going into the temple courts.
3 When he saw Peter and John about to enter , he asked them for money.
4 Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter said, “Look at us!”
5 So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them.
6 Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”
7 Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong.
8 He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping and praising God.
9 When all the people saw him walking and praising God, they recognized him as the same man who use to sit begging at the temple gate called Beautiful, and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.
The Power of God
There are people (sometimes) who really need nothing else but to experience the power of God.
They need no gifts, but more than that.
In this case, this crippled man needed Jesus. He needed to experience Jesus presence, and that what Peter gave him.
That was the greatest gift he lacked in his whole life.
This can also apply to the church of today. There are many Christians who are crippled spiritually and physically.
They only need someone to strengthen them. They need someone to remind them about Jesus in their Christian lives. The inner man need to be strengthen.
It is important to see wonders and miracles in the house of God as His children. What happened to the crippled man must happen to the church in our generation.
We as Christians, we need to give the valuable gift to the spiritually and physically crippled people.
Note this: The crippled man INSTANTLY experienced the power of God. He INSTANTLY experienced the love of Jesus. He INSTANTLY became a witness to Jesus’ love. He became a testimony to the whole world that, Jesus is alive. INSTANTLY.
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