Scripture reading: EXODUS 14:13-16(living bible).
13: But Moses told the people,Don't be afraid. Just stand where you are and watch, and you will see the wonderful way the LORD will rescue you today.The Egyptians you
are looking at you will never see them again.
14:The LORD will fight for you,and you won't need to lift a finger!
15:Then the LORD said to Moses, Quit praying and let the people moving forward.
16:Use your rod- hold it out over the water and the sea will open up a path before you, and all the people of Israel shall walk through on dry ground.
Praise GOD for that. The see opened up for the Israelites and they walk though the dry ground.
JOSHUA 3:17.
And the priest who were carrying the Ark stood on dry ground in the middle of the Jordan and waited as all the people passed by.They were able to cross the flooded river because GOD provided.
ISAIAH 43:17,18,19.
17.I called forth the mighty army of Egypt with chariots and horses to lie beneath the waves,dead their lives snuffed out like candle wicks.18: But forget all that,it is nothing compared to what I am going to do!19:For I am going to do a brand new thing.See I have already begun!Don't you see it?I will make a road through the wilderness of the world for my people to go home and create rivers for the in the desert.
Yes GOD provides the way through the difficulties of life journey.Let us forget about the past because He is about to do a brand new thing in our Christian life.
Whenever we face challenges of life,GOD provides the solution.
Be blessed