Scripture: Romans 5: 1-11.
Therefore being justified(v1).
Justification through faith brings the believer various results:
- Peace with God, grace, hope,assurance,tribulations, the love of God, the Holy Spirit,
salvation from wrath and reconciliation to God, salvation by faith the life and the presence of Jesus and joy in God.
We have access by faith into grace wherein we stand(v2).
-The Saints state of grace , God's loving kindness to us and our conformity to God gives
us the access into this grace.
-We were not born into this grace, but brought into it, we are led into it.
-We could not have gotten into it by ourselves, we are led into it.
We glory in tribulations(v3).
- Paul lists "tribulations" as one of the blessings of our salvation in Christ.
- The word "tribulations" refers to all kinds of trials which may press in upon us.
this include such things as financial or physical need, trying circumstances,the pressure of sorrow,
sickness, persecution and mistreatment.
- In the midst of these afflictions, God's grace enables us to seek His face more diligently and
produces in us a persevering spirit and character that overcome the trials and troubles of life.
- Instead of driving us to despair and hopelessness,tribulations bring forth perseverance,and
perserverance brings forth proven character(v4).And proven character results in mature hope that
will not be disappointed(5).
- God's grace enables us to look beyond our present problems to a fervent hope.
- We have the love of God shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit inoder to comfort us in our trials and bring Christ' presence near( John 14: 16-23).
The love of God... in our hearts(v5).
- Christians experience the love of God in their hearts through the Holy Spirit, especially in times of afflictions.
- I see the Holy Spirit continuing to flood our hearts with love. It is this ever present experience of God's love that sustains us in tribulations(v3) and assures us that our hope for the future glory is not illusory(v4-).
- We have many example for people dying for friends, loved ones, and many great men, but it is
contrary to nature to die for enemies, yetJesus did(v6-8).
May God bless you as you read this message.